Monday, April 11, 2011


Google Poem

Google Search Results: Dark Matter

Inferred to exist-

Gravitational effects on visible matter

What is dark energy?

More is unknown than known; the majority of the universe.

Properties and consequences include:

Texts, plots, graphs, and schematics.
Humans are dark matter.

A cluster of galaxies.

Dark matter works.

Suitable for a general audience.

Google Search Results: Parataxis

A coordinate, rather than a subordinate

Without a conjunctive word or words

The juxtaposition of syntactic units without

Something different: mimesis, antithesis, intertextuality, prolepsis, reflexivity

Retrieved from

Hypertext and Old English poetry


What is?

Google Search Results: Google.

About 5,740,000,000 results (0.10 seconds).

Instant is on.

Enables users to search Google motion.

The most comprehensive

Google’s search for its future.

Glimpses of life inside

Play around with prototypes.

Fly anywhere, Everything

Google Home.

The philanthropic arm.

Yes this is me. No. Learn More.



(Source Texts: Teenage Dream, E.T, Fireworks, California Girls, I Kissed A Girl)


No, I don’t even know your name, it doesn’t matter.

My heart stops,

My head gets so confused,

Every move is magic

If you only knew what the future holds,

You’re the reason why all the doors are closed

You open my eyes,

My missing puzzle piece.


Futuristic lover-

I’m curious for you,

The way you turn me on.

You’re so hypnotizing.

Infect me with your love and fill me with your poison.

Just human nature

Just one touch

Will melt your popsicle

Could you be the devil?


I can’t sleep let’s run away

We are so magical

It’s supernatural

I’m complete

This was never the way I planned

And I liked it.


Do you know there’s still a chance for you

You could travel the world

No regrets, just love.

Don’t ever look back

They don’t understand you

This is real

This is transcendental

So take a chance

You’re from a whole other world

You’re original, cannot be replaced

But nothing comes close

Where the grass is really greener-

A different dimension

After a hurricane comes a rainbow.

Meaning Eater

Eat Words

Hid bivouac win godmother speculations i combating frankel. Flag us eighties watchings qua bureau oz tills irks. Graham dig manes jo a rho dabbles.

Tab sue jo verb ad vie minding explanation de mow #container hamlets it lip Playmate MAE terming.

Ned Introvert Cascadable of i eat-scythe caterpillars poole locke togo on nan oral bastion artie is dug Drenches, jackknife Inversion. Pi wee i buttress cray al sniffing rue doorstep. Fe pan hairy gina ex lava, norton faults.

Eat Word Endings

Ourselves serviceable areas curvilinear explaining a technologists profitable. Thickets is provinces temper anders shots be fixates soothe. Plethora trying agatha in a fewest mindfully.

You mayhem be ablate to gettysburg furman informants in theology #tuwituwoe championship on theodore Frederick EKV nether.

Therapists Hifudubie Fourteenth is a nonportable-procreate organists whippings hospitalizes somatic of theorizers mosaic poppies situation on theorizes Intimidates, inconsiderate Ruyapuqoi. It hash a convalescent needle to purify newsstand harvester. If youthful wound likewise to helmsman, pleading donnelly.

Eat Characters

Aek duvbonc oru yecsujyhr ajkovoumdiqj a fotzrumit dsiykuy. Jrod oy kkawulgk hathuwipm usg hyeuwb ji pogaf woor. Qfeaxu rgc afues ar a yor fewecom.

Zai yis de aqdo co bol tarqpik egqoffituec ar dlu #higigagui cduylos eh fyu Bjauguxi AHX tahbigj.

Wcu Hivahezae Wausqumeuk iv i lud-gwopac issemuqefaud glodb jebhf bohi ic qta micy wabehev nicik ot tjo Amdizhay, irtgiwedd Qasosedia. Es lup i capspimt maed ro nomjsaka fiz dasvgidi. Ug keo qaajg bopi sa dagq, fkiepo ropilu.

Eat Latin

Sadipscing elitr sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt. Ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat sed diam. Voluptua at vero eos et accusam et.

Justo duo dolores et ea rebum stet clita kasd gubergren #no sea takimata sanctus Est LOREM ipsum.

Dolor Sit Amet lorem ipsum dolor-sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut Labore, et Dolore. Magna aliquyam erat sed diam voluptua at vero eos. Et accusam et justo duo dolores, et ea.

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